
Magnesium-Ibogaine in Veterans With TBI and PTSD

Owen Muir and Jeremy Fox Discuss Breaking Research as Published in Nature Medicine

In this Frontier Psychiatrists Podcast, Jeremy Fox, P.C., And I discuss this remarkable work, as published by Cherian Et. Al. In Nature Medicine. Always love when

can pop in!


We discussed the role of understanding the sample in a research trial and the remarkable potency of Ibogaine, with the additional safety of magnesium to prevent cardiac side effects, in this newly published research.

Thanks for watching and listening, and feel free to share with your friends.

Other excellent psychedelic-themed writers I’d highlight are

at Psychedelic Week and .

Prior psychedelic medicine articles here on TFPs include:

Are Psychedelics at Risk of Advertising Enforcement from the FDA?

A Critique of “All Therapists of MDMA Assisted Therapy Should Take MDMA”

Psychedelic Medicine for Primary Care?

Dear Psychedelic Exceptionalism…

William Osler, M.D., for Psychedelic Medicine Key Opinion Leader

Psychedelic Medicine Obtains Category III CPT Codes

Psychedelic Medicine Needs to Get More Profit-Focused

I’m Psychic About Open Comment Periods

Why Medical Use and Spiritual Use Are Different

Please spread the good word—healing is coming, and more evidence is needed to understand when and for whom.