The Story Continues! In short, not-for-profit hospitals have an obligation to provide free or reduced-price care and a bunch of other stuff about billing consents. They didn't do that with me, and he didn't inform me about it, and they didn't follow their own written consent, I red-lined their consent, and I wrote some articles about it, and I got a call back before the end of the day. They were not prepared for this particular phone call, it is recorded and made a podcast above.
In short, they're not of this money, not by me, and not by 60% of America. Needs to stop. And I think the revolution is here, in the form of Generative AI, which gives the rest of us the power to push back as a lawyer could. I even filed an ADA complaint about their website, and CarelonRx. You can too!
would be proud!—Owen Muir, M.D..
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