Aug 18Liked by Owen Scott Muir, M.D

It’s terrible to see that insurance companies don’t offer this treatment until after failure of medications. Also, I see that Kaiser still doesn’t offer it at all. How do they get away with this?

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Hi Owen

You may be interested to read my articles, in particular the one titled:

How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?

Salt restriction causes dehydration also called hyponatremia or altitude sickness.

Hyponatremia is an emergency.

All emergencies are managed by the adrenals.

All the adrenocorticol hormones are deployed.

Chronic dehydration causes adrenal fatigue or chronic fatigue.

Chronic deployment of adrenaline causes anxiety and even panic attacks for no reason other than dehydration.

Dealing with chronic anxiety and fatigue is a recipe for depression.

So the magic bullet you have been looking for is called SALT.

SALT turns off the RAAS.

Hydration equals salt plus water.

Hydration not oxygenation underpins our health and healing ability. Dehydration is our Achilles heel.

Let change that by getting salty!

My article titled: we breathe air not oxygen

I logically dismiss the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as a fraud.

Oxygen is a manufactured product of air not a constituent of air.

Oxygen is made by stripping air of moisture to the parts per million of water contamination. Oxygen is measured by its DRYNESS.

Air is measured by its moisture or humidity.

Oxygen can not co exist with air.

When oxygen is released from confinement it extracts moisture from its surroundings and reverts back to moist air.

Oxygen toxicity is due to its power to dehydrate.

The lung alveoli requires air reaching it to be at 100% humidity. That is dew point or drop point. The lungs are a wet system. The lungs rehydrate the red blood cells with salt water. Just like the IV saline infusion.

Zero oxygen required.

Monitor all signs of dehydration

To maintain your health.

For example a headache is not a signal to pop a Panadol!

The brain is sensitive to dehydration and it lets you know with pain, it need you to get salty.

All signs of dryness indicates dehydration, from eyes to hair to skin.

Salt is your ally and friend.

Read my articles by clicking on my blue icon.

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Was rTMS compared with fake rTMS? If not then there may well have been other factors. Comparing a human facilitated intervention with a medication prescription isn’t informative.

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There's actually extensive data on the comparison of sham TMS compared to placebo pills, and it turns out that the Study population matters quite a bit for what the sham or placebo response rate is in that population! Contrary what you might think, the response rates to placebo pills are vastly greater than their response rates to sham TMS. Part of this phenomenon, and I'll probably write an article about it soon, with references, is that TMS studies or generally enrolling treatment refractory patients, have lower likelihood of placebo or sham response. Human facilitated interventions like TMS, when studied in populations of people who failed multiple prior treatments don't evidence the same placebo response as individuals in first or early treatment studies. Essentially, after you've had four more medication failures, there isn't meaningful placebo response left. It's a quirk of design, and it's not obvious if you don't spend all day looking at research studies in depression, but that's what the data says.

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As an RN it is so upsetting and how imbedded expensive drugs are in our healthcare to maximize and line the pockets of a few. We pay more than any other country on the planet for the worst outcomes. Thank you for all you do. Will share in hopes we can help people.

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