I speak to a lot of venture capitalists. I speak to a lot of private equity investors. I have to tell you. Impressive folks! And if you're one of the people who I've spoken to, and you're wondering if I'm referring to you, no, of course not. This article is specifically about someone else who is not you, or your astute fund. I often explain that I think brain stimulation is the future of psychiatric care, given remission of depression rapidly has been demonstrated repeatedly and at large scale.1
One of my least favorite questions from venture investors follows a typical format: “ Why isn't somebody doing this already?”
This is a reasonable question for most tech investments. It's a less reasonable question when it comes to innovation in mental healthcare. I'm going to walk through the math on why this is a dumb question, so I don't have to do it over and over again. It’s not a serious article when it comes to math—I’m making a point.
There are not an infinite number of people ava…