The Frontier Psychiatrists is a daily enough health-themed publication. It’s also a podcast. Sometimes, I need a break from serious coverage of policy. In those cases, I amuse myself with David Foster Wallace-esque fan fiction about health policy, like this first chapter in my Wizard of Oz-themed parody about health insurance. Dorothy gets strep…then psoriasis…then OCD! Join us for a little health-themed absurdity, and maybe, just maybe, we will all learn something.
The Wizard Of Odds, Ch 1
Dorothy's Obsession with Insurance
Aug 29, 2024

The Frontier Psychiatrists
The Frontier Psychiatrists Substack has this companion podcast. Owen Scott Muir, M.D. is a writer, physician, scientist, and podcaster, bringing content about healthcare that is personal, weird, and less boring than most of the things you’ve heard. Subscribe at
The Frontier Psychiatrists Substack has this companion podcast. Owen Scott Muir, M.D. is a writer, physician, scientist, and podcaster, bringing content about healthcare that is personal, weird, and less boring than most of the things you’ve heard. Subscribe at on
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