The Frontier Psychiatrists is a substack-hosted media empire…we have video, newsletter, dumb memes, podcasts, and music—my gosh golly! Today, I bring you a conversation with a colleague who is both humble and brilliant. We first met on Clubhouse—in 2020—when
and I were hosting conversations on the weekly. Tony and I met again in the What If Ventures fellowship, and, as I have told him, we just enjoyed each other’s company.We collaborated on grant writing, and one thing led to another…and now I’m the Chief Medical Officer of his company, iRxReminder. Anthony is a kind and funny person to work with, which I couldn't value more highly. He is also brilliant. He understands medication adherence problems better than anyone I’ve ever encountered. In this long overdue podcast, he explains the problem and how we address it with our closed-loop AI + Internet of Things cognitive prosthesis. He’s a master educator, friend, and my CEO (in one of my gigs)!
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