
The Cranial Nerves, Explained

A video 'splainer by Owen Muir, M.D., DFAACAP

Thanks for joining us here at The Frontier Psychiatrists. It’s the newsletter that frequently redefines the term newsletter as more multimedia than you were expecting. Today will be no exception.

One little programming note: my next live-action newsletter event is in San Francisco on January 12, 2025!

Get Tickets for RAMHT 2025

It's the next edition of rapid-acting mental health treatment, the conference about the future of mental healthcare that works fast.

We're thrilled to feature sponsors such as MDhub.ai, Sanm.ai, Videra Health, GrayMatters Health, Nightware, Fermata, Acacia Clinics, and more!

We will move on to some video content today. I felt like explaining cranial nerves. This is an emergent phenomenon of two things: Exciting data on neuromodulation via the cranial nerves that I wanted to write about and the desire to get a little better at video creation. Since I’m planning on writing about medical devices that modulate these nerves more, I figured explaining some basic science first would be a way to give my audience a two-for-one win!

Thus, today, a former neuroanatomy lab tutor teaches you, whoever you are, some crucial medical school content about cranial nerves I-XII, and I prep you to learn about the neuromodulation of those same cranial nerves later. I’m building hype…very, very slowly. But you can’t accuse your author of not being intentional about it.

Thanks for reading—and viewing!

For treatment with nVNS, and soon VNS, feel free to request a consultation at Fermata in Brooklyn (and beyond by telehealth)….I also work at Acacia Clinics in Sunnyvale, CA.


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