That Time I Did Not Disagree with Scientology: Tardive Dyskinesia Sucks
An explanation of an adverse effect that I'd rather not see anymore.
Brains are complicated. One of the ways in which they're complicated is the systematic way in which they work to maintain balance.
I’m going to use this concept to explain:
Tardive Dyskinesia
Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary, repetitive, and uncontrollable movements of the face, limbs, and trunk.
In medicine, we call the balance that biological systems work towards homeostasis. So they are trying to get back to the middle. Whatever that middle is.
If you put too much water in, you'll pee out more water. If you put so much salt in, your pee will have more salt. So if you're out of breath, you will, to compensate, breathe more.
Biology is trying to keep things in balance.
One of the consequences of this? That Tardive Dyskinesia side effect I mentioned up top.
Dopamine-blocking medication…