Grass1. It’s a vital part of the ecosystem of the prairie. Lawns, conversely, are a pox on the house of arid regions in a climate-changing world.
I’m here in Austin, Texas, for my winning conflict of interest disclosure (my darling wife is speaking at SXSW).2
I’m not speaking at SXSW. I am the trailing spouse, the David-Foster-Wallace-Wannabe. A am but a “journalist” reporting on the Hysterically Real.
Solving the “lawn problem” requires a disruptive approach to grass. We need to reimagine lawns! The issues are deeply rooted in our language and lives—the grass is greener! We don’t need to understand the problem better, and I’ll prove it:
“Lawns are Broken.” This sentiment is as dull as it is non-directive3.