Say My Name: The Department of Labor & Destiny's Child Have In Common--CHEATERS WILL BE CALLED OUT!
Part one, of many, till the end of this open comment period.
Readers of this newsletter know I have one true love: Open Comment Periods on Additionally, I enjoy using R+B to make points about regulatory matters. We need to act.1 Please subscribe and share while we are at it….
The proposed rules would, if finalized, establish new requirements for group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group or individual health insurance coverage to collect and evaluate relevant data in a manner reasonably designed to assess the impact of a nonquantitative treatment limitation (NQTL) on access to mental health and substance use disorder (MH/SUD) benefits and medical/surgical (M/S) benefits, and consider the impact as part of the plan's or issuer's analysis of whether the NQTL, in operation, complies with the relevant provisions of the proposed rules.
I even purchased a domain name recently… for this newsletter…
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Yes, it’s just a link to this newsletter. The Department of …