Aug 13, 2023Liked by Owen Scott Muir, M.D

Well said Owen. More people need to understand the phenomenology of isolation and what it does to us and our brain. https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-loneliness-reshapes-the-brain-20230228/

Keep up the good work!

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Suicide is a big category. Is there any data available that breaks them down by motivation, type, etc.?

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Thank you for speaking about this. As a teen (almost 16 years ago) I was involuntary committed after an OD.

It was the most degrading and dehumanizing experience of my life. Upon admission to the ward, I was forced to do a strip search and cavity search in front of the nurse and a group of medical students. I had all of my belongings taken away.

The “care” their consisted of giving everyone antipsychotics and forcing us to fill out stupid worksheets.

The staff were cruel. We were denied access to our families, charged thousands of dollars for “care” and I saw one tech get abusive with a foster boy.

The incident was so deeply traumatic that I avoid most all medical care now.

I was able to find a natropath... I am someone skeptical that it is more than pseudoscience but she is super sweet and there are no forced cavity searches.

I dont think psychiatry should be so abusive. What I needed was understanding and instead I got punished.

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