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One of my grandfathers and one of my great grandfathers committed suicide. As a psychiatrist practicing in rural Mississippi I want my patients to have a chance at this life saving technology. What can we do for them? I got an email from Magnus Medical today since l was on their wait list. It thrilled me no end to think of offering this in the state with the worsts firsts on health care. What is the cost? Do I stop mentioning this to patients if there is no realistic pathway towards offering SNT/Magnus Medical protocol here? Will this be like my addiction medicine practice where hardly anyone can afford best practices treatment due to cost? Sorry about sounding shrill. But what would you do if this was your home state and your practice situation? Give it to me straight. Do I need to find an angel investor? Where does one find one? I appreciate all you and your wife do to y

advocate for the rest of us.

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