Does patient centered mean a better grasp on potential iatrogenic harms of involuntary treatment? Maybe I am misunderstanding but it seems like so much of psychiatry is about “punting” the liability ball, with patients often stuck in the middle.

Look at this thread…. Or this one:


Or this……


It breaks my heart that ppl in crisis are not treated well :(

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I also have a series of articles on that topic. One of the issues is that the people doing most psychiatric treatment or not necessarily Psychiatrists. This is of course a guest article, and I'll invite Eric To reply to this as well, But a psychiatric crisis is often managed by an emergency medicine doctor, with without the expertise of a psychiatrist, particularly in a rural setting. Suicidality can be quite scary, especially if you're not used to it. And so that can lead to an involuntary admission, With the paperwork on that being signed off by a nursing administrator, and an emergency medicine doctor, and they never even see a psychiatrist until they end up in an inpatient setting, and some cases after waiting 20+ days in an emergency setting, All of which is kicking the liability ball down the road, but managing the nerves of the medical professionals who don't have the expertise for the disorder in question. If you imagine the world heart attack were being a valuated by a psychiatrist instead of cardiologists, you get a sense for what a mess it would be!

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Thank you for explaining Dr. I actually have you to thank… over the years I have been pretty skeptical of psychiatry (former foster youth that spent many years getting dumped at horrific troubled teen and UHS facilities but within the past year, I have discovered that TMS isnt as barbaric as it sounds. My partner thinks it would help my medical PTSD oddly enough.

Through careful research I have an upcoming appt. with a psychiatrist after almost 20 years! I told her I want my wife with me and I want the freedom to leave if I get uncomfortable. The Dr. sounds really nice and understanding. I was very surprised.

But yes this blog helped me to see psychiatry in a new light. I still have major issues with the American medical system ;medical ethics and patient autonomy; and how patient are treated in psychiatric facilities and nursing homes…. But I am more open minded to the fact that TMS might help me with the PTSD from institutions of my youth

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I was on the psychiatry subreddit trying to get more information about TMS

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