“I Did Not Want to Be Angry All the Time”: Mental Health Clinicians’ Attitudes Towards Taking Insurance
This original research describes 300 clinicians feeling like Spartans holding back the Persian Horde in the movie “300”.
What do mental health professionals think and feel about taking insurance? It turns out there is research in the academic literature that answers this question, but just qualitative explorations.1 Many mental health clinicians don’t take insurance.2 It’s a problem.3 People were, and are, starting companies left and right based around the hypothesis that making the process of taking insurance easier is going to lead to a great company, but no data exists to support the fundamental hypothesis that mental health professionals want to take insurance in one particular way or another. So we did the research.
So I’m doing a thing that people don’t do. Or at least that I don’t do. I’m taking a paper that was written, initially, to be a scientific research paper. And I’m not publishing it in a journal. Neither is Carlene.4 I am going to give credit to my co-authors!5 I’m not publishing it in a journal for a couple of reasons: The first, and most personally important, is that editing papers for jour…