Welcome to the unedited recording of our August 8 edition of mental health myths busted with Jeremy Fox and friends on clubhouse. Thanks for supporting the show, please feel free to continue your support at asksphere.club
Bipolar Disorders: Myths Busted.
August 8th, with Jeremy Fox and Friends
Aug 10, 2021

The Frontier Psychiatrists
The Frontier Psychiatrists Substack has this companion podcast. Owen Scott Muir, M.D. is a writer, physician, scientist, and podcaster, bringing content about healthcare that is personal, weird, and less boring than most of the things you’ve heard. Subscribe at https://thefrontierpsychiatrists.substack.com/
The Frontier Psychiatrists Substack has this companion podcast. Owen Scott Muir, M.D. is a writer, physician, scientist, and podcaster, bringing content about healthcare that is personal, weird, and less boring than most of the things you’ve heard. Subscribe at https://thefrontierpsychiatrists.substack.com/Listen on
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