This really rocks Owen. Thanks for writing about it.

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Thanks for reading. Share with your world.

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Thanks for this Owen. It deeply resonated for several reasons. As a dad to a 2.25yo I needed to hear and read this. Getting down on the floor and playing with trains for me is not very comfortable or very fun. Physically, it hurts my body because I have very tight hips, and I can’t comfortably sit on the ground. But reading books or watching Mr. Rogers or driving him to school, I can do that. And I will continue to do that. Thank you for your thoughtful call to action.

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If I can be the guy who encourage people to do something, anything, regularly, it will be quite a success. Thank you for reading.

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You got that one down. Good work. What about when they're teenagers and don't want to be seen in public with you?

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You mean already!

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I'm taking notes! :)

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