Your Ideas Are Worthless? A Manifesto for Creating Intellectual Property Worth a Damn
Part 1: You need to watch Silicon Valley. Seriously.
I am writing this article for the benefit of everyone who is a founder or early employee at a company that might do some real good. It’s an advice column, but written to my younger self, from my older self. If Dear Abby was about contracts, , it would be this column (but it would be a vastly less titillating world).
In this article, we’re gonna talk about intellectual property, and we’re gonna use my imaginary company, which is a platform solution for bullshit as a service (BaaS). We’re taking what was traditional bullshit, and disrupting the ever living crap out of it. We don’t have any bulls, we don’t have any shit, it’s just a platform solution, if you know what I’m talking about, that matches bullshit and the steaming piles where it needs to go. It’s an amazing vision, mission-driven something-or-other, and we might even be a public benefit corporation. That is a default option on Clerky now? Great. Now, using that company and the matching algorithm that drives its platform sol…