"You Are Broken and You Have a Superpower"
My recent appearance on the Carlat Psychiatry Podcast
I was thrilled to join Chris Aiken, M.D., on the Carlat Report Podcast. For non-professional readers, the Carlat Report has been evaluating data to “keep psychiatry honest” since the 90s. The recent episode, in which I participated, is called “(Wounded Healers) Guide to the DSM. (link to the episode). This episode pools the stories of 15 mental health professionals and is part of a larger series. Dr. Aiken is an excellent interviewer…and made one difficult choice that I both understand and am now prompted to write about. He decided to not identify anyone in the episode by name.
Welcome to The Frontier Psychiatrists. It’s a newsletter. It’s written by the non-anonymous Owen Scott Muir, M.D. I'm excited to be part of the Carlat Report, but this is not my first podcast rodeo related to self-disclosure. When I was a Child Psychiatry fellow, I received a grant as a part of the Rudin Master Scholar’s Program in Ethics and Humanities at NYU. It was to support a project, which at the …