Why Nightware is Crowdfunding
...and Why It Might Surprise You...a Frontier Psychiatrists Guest Post.
The Frontier Psychiatrists is a daily enough health-themed newsletter. Owen Muir, M.D., DFAACAP, is the editor of these parts, but I have close friends who join me these days to keep the great ideas flowing for my readers. One of those close friends is Matt Tucker, the CEO at Nightware. The co-founder of Nightware, Grady Hannah, the audience may recall, is also the co-founder of the Rapid Acting Mental Health Treatment (pronounced “Ram-pt”) series of events, and the next is January 12, 2025, in San Fransisco, 6-9 pm…right before JPM kicks off!
The event is free for clinicans using the code RAMHTCLINICIAN25. You must confirm membership in your relevant professional society (such as APA, ASKP3, CTMSS, etc), but that is it! Otherwise, the tickets aren’t too much.
The following article is about one of our partners, Nightware, and its novel decision to raise money via crowdfunding for its next fundraising round.
By way of introduction, Nightware is a medical device that detects physi…