Readers, harken to me! Gather round! A miracle has occurred. No, it not the second coming of Jesus. That would be a bit much. It's not the rapture. It’s not aliens—they are here already, as we have covered. It’s TikTok. No sooner had I written a eulogy for its demise, but The D*nald, in some early morning Sunday magic, resurrected the app!
He's gonna do something, that's gonna have some dubious legal basis, but who cares. Everybody can now understand what's trending and viral beverage fridges, and makeup, and Temu partnerships, and we can all rejoice.
There will be videos celebrating.
But for one brief and beautiful moment, we had poetry, and not endless videos. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotta go learn something about what it's like to work at a “spicy ranch,” from an HR perspective, presumable because the algorithm has figured out I love HR themed content, or… perhaps which thinly veiled cannabis product is now available to me, or how I can order seafood that comes ov…