These Companies Lure You Into Care With This One Weird Trick…
Not all healthcare advertisements are legal, but that doesn't stops companies from displaying them.
I’m a grump. A real goddamn curmudgeon. Do you know how I can tell? Because I find myself saying things regularly to myself, sometimes with nobody else around. And those things include comments about compliance.
“Can you believe healthcare founders these days? It’s as if they don’t care about complying with all relevant regulations!”
That’s a joke. But it’s not that much of a joke. I say things pretty close to that. I love compliance. I like following the rules. I like the rules, especially when they protect patients. I’m a doctor. I care about patients. I care about protecting investors, also. But I really, really care about protecting patients.
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Do you know who seems not to care about those things? The companies I’m about to 💩 post, and their… choices for leadership positions:
Wait, isn't that guy on bling empire? Yes, that guy is on on Bling Empire, New York. Never mind Chairman Mao was a nigh…