The Lord of the Rings Was An HR Nightmare
Tolkien's books left out the significant compliance concerns they had to deal with.
Editors note: what follows is yet another document unearthed after the fall of Sauron detailing the myriad HR and compliance issues that Mordor dealt with. Also Owen is on vacation this week so this up to the minute reporting of an imagined past should land just right.
Subject: Performance Improvement Plan for the Lord of the Nazgûl
Dear Lord of the Nazgûl,
Following a thorough review of your performance and the tasks assigned to you, we have identified certain areas of concern that require immediate attention. As the leader of the Nazgûl and a key member of our organization, it is crucial that you maintain the highest standards of performance and efficiency. We have, therefore, developed a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) to address the issues at hand and provide you with the necessary guidance to improve your performance.