The Insurgency Will Be Automated: How AI Will Destroy Big Healthcare
The coming of AI will be the end of unenforced regulations.
It’s only a matter of time. I’ve seen the future.
So, I was gonna write this whole article. Then I had a better idea. I just asked chatGPT to do it for me.
See below what came of it—remember ”it” has no idea what it’s generating…but it’s so convincing that I think Big Healthcare is about to get a brutal wake up call.
The laws to protect patents exist. Laws such as Fiduciary Rule under Ca 2021. Said law mandates “plan sponsors” act as fiduciaries in the best interest of members are not broadly enforced. Let’s amplify the notion that this will change very soon with AI.
Many of us have played with ChatGPT and its fun, open source code. It can be trained on any large language data set. For example, oh, every legal filing ever. Just like successful won cases for the ERISA fiduciary breech. Furthermore, one could automate legal complaints and filings v. dinosaurs of healthcare who have human lawyers reviewing this stuff. The ability to do this at a level that creates a denial of ser…