The Declaration of Medical Independence (Second Level Appeal)
For today? It is our Independence Day
What follows is a line by line rewrite of the Declaration of Independence. It’s a celebration of both the founding of the United States of America and the July 1st CMS update —campaigned for by
, FCTMSS, DFAACAP—for an incremental change in the rules around TMS billing and coding. As of July 1, it’s now possible to bill up to 2 TMS codes a day, not just one, as had been the case. It’s not 10 a day, but it’s something. As one note, our founders loved long, compound sentences and somewhat chaotic capitalization. Without further delay, The Frontier Psychiatrists celebrates our Independence Day.In American Healthcare, July 4, 2024
The unanimous Declaration of the remaining 5 or so independent interventional psychiatric practices in America, when in the Course of medical practice, it becomes necessary for one medical specialty to dissolve the existing contractual limitations that have connected them via Change Healthcare’s ConnectCenter with third-party payers, and to assume among th…