SXSW Dispatch: Dear Panels on Psychedelics and Health Tech; An Insincere Apology
I didn't really have a question.
I know you said you had time for questions at the end. I know I got up to ask a question. I know I did this more than once.
I have something to admit. I didn't really have a question. I ended the thing I said with a “?”
This was disingenuous. I'm a total Narc, I get that.
Honestly, I'm frustrated. I am frustrated by the confusion with which we treat health care and the innovation that surrounds it.
For example: There is no convincing “payers.” There is making arguments to individuals working at large healthcare payment systems that are compelling. To those individual people. Those individual humans can become willing to advocate for the changes you want to see internally. help the person you're talking to make the case for themselves, not for you!
I like disruptive innovation in bad health outcomes. Psychedelic medicine would be disruptive! There is an equation for how this happens: