Standing Up For Human Dignity, Especially at UnitedHealth Group
I can't believe I have to say this.
Many of us are upset with Big Health companies. Denial of care is rampant, and no company, statistically, does more of this than UnitedHealth Group. I think their business practices need to change, and I'd like them to change for the better. Today’s article is not about those issues.
This article is about everybody's human dignity, including our fellow humans at United.
Lui- M., who doesn't deserve to have his name used, allegedly committed murder on the streets of New York City. My city, and maybe your city, also? That was terrible enough. We will have to trust due process to address his alleged crimes.
The rest of us, however, and this is very particularly aimed at all the people who cheered for his assassination, need to check ourselves. This was and is shameful. Murder is not the way we can resolve problems in a civil society. We need to…
Stand up for each other.
I know that the political winds have shifted, and bullying is more popular than in recent memory. Here's the thin…