Some Days You Theoretically Would Need to Take a Break From A Daily Substack
However, today, my wife comes to the rescue
“What will I write about every day?”
This question haunts me. It haunts my dreams. It haunts my days. It haunts my nights. And yet, thanks to the pressure. I put on myself to crank out some thing every day, I crank out some thing every day. Not everything on this newsletter is good. My reader is great at ignoring things that are kind of nonsense. Today, I have to drive up to New Hampshire to commence family vacation that's going to be amazing. It's also gonna mean I'm not gonna be able to write a column today. Except, what's this?
It's yet another thing I'm writing. OK—it is a cheat. I'm not writing about much at all… because my wife was on a great podcast yesterday, and I get to share that with you, and that kind of counts for the day. For those who are not aware, I am married to
, who puts up with some extraordinarily difficult me being me and constantly writing this thing. Thanks to her forbearance and wisdom, you get to read something every day. Someday, it's her making sure I g…