The Frontier Psychiatrists newsletter has been on the beat of extremely cautious optimism about future breakthroughs in neuropsychiatric care for a while now. Along with complaining about unsustainable financial models in healthcare, this is kind of our jam. I feel a little bit less lonely today in these quests. Your editor, Owen Scott Muir, M.D., DFAACAP, is a guest on today's Carlat report podcast reviewing, for an audience of colleagues, the challenges with MDMA-AT’s FDA submission:
Furthermore, there has been great coverage in Stat news about both the Lykos/MAPS drama, as well as Elevance firing their PBM director at CarelonRx which has made many people’s lives—including mine— more awful than they needed to be.
The worst part of psychedelic medicine is yet to come. If you think it's bad now, just wait till there are prior authorization hoops to jump through! I wish I were kidding. It’s like dealing with the mafia.
I'm not saying this to belittle the horrifying transgressions …