Author’s Note: This is a fictionalized account.
Additionally, they were mental gymnastics that go on with writing this sort of writing. A real issue with being a writer and a psychiatrist at the same time is that, for the most part, writing about our patients is not some thing we can do. There are very strong ethical prohibitions around breaches of privacy.
There are equally strong ethical provisions around doing things that might make others think privacy was breached. One of the things about ethical considerations is that they're always in conflict. There are four ethical principles. I didn't intend for this to be an essay on ethics. But I couldn't finish it without doing this part.
The four ethical principles are as follows:
Autonomy: this is a principal that regards respect for the individual and their own choice as Paramount.
Beneficence: this is a principal that privileges doing the right thing for someone else, the thing that is in their best interest, as Paramount.