The Frontier Psychiatrists is a daily health-themed newsletter. It would be nice if I didn't have to write the following column. However, welcome to the world as we live today. I am not a supporter of physician-assisted suicide for psychiatric illness.
I'm going to start this column by using a screenshot of something that happened on the Internet today, in which somebody had the audacity (and perhaps grandiosity) to explain Paul McCartney's own song to …Sir Paul McCartney. It's like the narcissism that makes itself, but it's a great graphic to start this article with…were I to want to make the point that it’s possible to be so unaware of the perspectives of others that that they'd say the following:
Personality Disorders Exist!
There has been significant media coverage of the growth of physician-assisted suicide in the Netherlands, including its availability for young people with psychiatric illnesses. What follows is a public service announcement about the existence of illnesses th…