Owen Muir, M.D, DFAACAP Joins the PsychoFarm Podcast
Welcome to part one of a two-part conversation
Rarely have Podcasts, recorded one day, come out faster than what you're about to see and hear. I was invited by my colleague Dr. Greg Malzberg to join the PsychoFarm podcast, which occurred yesterday, and today, you get to see the YouTube link. It's even got graphics. Buckle up. This is part one of a two-part conversation, and thank you for reading, and thank you for listening. In part one we discussed transcranial magnetic stimulation, and its role in the future of interventional brain medicine, and the discipline formerly known as psychiatry. I'm kidding, sort of. In this conversation we discussed transcranial magnetic simulation or TMS and the future of psychiatry.
It was a great episode — you are an engaging speaker Dr. Muir!
“Surgeons don’t mind blood, urologists don’t mind pee, and psychiatrists don’t mind tears.”
I love that: ". . .Interventional Brain Medicine."🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣