Of Conflicts of Interest, and Interesting Conflicts
A meditation on the bias, psychopharmacology, and pharma advertising.
The Frontier Psychiatrists is a daily-enough health-themed newsletter. It’s been described as “humor adjacent.” Today’s article is on conflicts of interest—and how conflicted we should be about them.
Before we dive into my favorite topics.. I enjoyed two things that are worth sharing:
First, this article on the novel medicine for schizophrenia, Cobenfy, by
is worth a read if you are a prescriber of medicines. It assumes knowledge many patients won’t have, but it is excellent and a good read.The second is to hype my new favorite healthcare policy and history podcast, “Tradeoffs.” Dan Gorenstein does great work as a reporter, and his three-part history of generic drugs and their shortages proved very educational even to an uber-nerd like your editor-in-chief over here.
Finally, I want to remind my readers that I have an event coming up on January 12 in San Francisco. It's Rapid Acting Mental Health Treatment SF 2025. Get your tickets here.