May The Fourth...Raise Serious Compliance Concerns With Lord Vader
Karen from HR has Serious Questions
In celebration of May 4, and imagine conversation between a Sith Lord.
Karen: Lord Vader, It is a pleasure.
DV: My presence is at the pleasure of the emperor.
K: We have some serious issues to discuss, Mr. Vader.
DV: Lord.
Karen: My apologies, Lord. I hope you are looking forward to addressing these concerns as seriously as you take your lordship?
DV: I would be unwise for you to suspect otherwise.
K: There have been some compliance concerns with your behavior on the End Of Life Quality Assurance Sphere
DV: are you referring to the Death Star?
K: We have had a rebrand. The original project went so far over budget we brought in some experienced operators. The "death" brand… the board wanted some distance.
Dv: What?
K: The End Of Life Quality Assurance Sphere
DV: Insolence!
K: (cutting him off) And it is exactly that kind of outburst and associated decision making that we are here to discuss Lord Vader.
DV: (breath sounds)
K: Thank you for listening. First, have you submitted your signed copy…