Live Online Classes About Navigating Insurance
Two upcoming classes for Mental Health Professionals
The Frontier Psychiatrists newsletter exists, in large part, because Kari Groff, M.D. encouraged me to keep writing. She created an online community of mental health professionals called the Brooklyn and Beyond Mental Health Group.
Because she asked, the following classes are coming up! Join us.
Class 1: Introduction to American Health Insurance
When: Wednesday, Dec 4th at 11 a.m.
What you'll learn: A deep dive into the history of the American health insurance system, including premiums, co-pays, deductibles, and what it means to go out-of-network. This is a great introduction to what many of us don't probably know about the health insurance system in America and how complicated it all gets! Have you ever looked at your own bill for care? This class will help break things down in a way that is comprehensible.
Tickets here
Class 2: Navigating the Out-of-Network (OON) Landscape
When: Monday, Dec 9th at 11 a.m.
What you'll learn: How to navigate reimbursement hurdles, understand good faith es…