Letters to The Trump Administration: Dr. Drew for SAMHSA Administrator
In keeping with my "Open Letters to the New Administraton" Theme
Yesterday, I wrote an open letter to Dr. Oz, who is the appointee for the director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. I'm trying to imagine what the incoming Trump administration would find plausible and, at the same time, make sincere recommendations. This series of articles are open letters to the administration and to individuals in the administration directly. I'm providing advice; I hope they will take it. So, I wrote to Dr. Oz and provided sincere guidance on what I thought CMS should do to succeed.
Today, I'm writing to Bobby Kennedy Jr, the appointee for the directorship of HHS, regarding the appointment of the administrator in charge of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. I think that should be Dr. Drew Pinsky. They are appointing stars from TV anyway, and he's one, but I think he'll do a good job. The following letter is written to persuade Mr. Kennedy. If any of my readers happen to know Mr. Kennedy, this will be a lot mo…