Japan Doesn't Use Enough Robots*
*Interpreting real world evidence from Japan regarding transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment.
My daughter loves Japan. I'm not quite sure why, but she does. She ask questions along these lines:
“Mommy, when I was in your tummy, did you know I would love Japan?”
She's learning Japanese on Duolingo and has made us promise to take her to Japan when she's 10. She loves sushi and wants sushi every Sunday. We have family dinner on Sunday, but if we had family dinner every night, she would probably also request Sushi then too.
All of that is beside the point. Today, I'm attempting to get more readers in Japan—or maybe just please my daughter. That's not the real reason. It's even more trivial than that! I wondered what would happen if I just tried to write a review article about the first thing that Google Scholar suggested I read. And so when I opened Google Scholar to embark on this quixotic mission, the first article presented was the one I'm gonna review with my readers today. It's about real-world outcomes on transcranial. Magnetic stimulation in Japan, so I came up with the …