is becoming a real go to site for news about the world’s largest healthcare company. That is UnitedHealth Group. It is also its wholly owned subsidiary Optum of “cyber attack” fame. This poem was left today about the company. I'm only sad to say that it’s possible that AI wrote this?
Going to work used to be fun.
You could always find a laugh with someone.
We worked long and hard for our members.
I'm not sure if Leadership remembers.
For the special, for the elderly, for the parents, for the sick--
if you needed it done, we got it out quick.
Approvals and medicines and mental health care
were top of our minds--not the market cost of a share.
Call centers, doctors, analysts, ...unite!
We wanted to help them and together, we might.
But somewhere, things started to go wrong.
It was subtle--here and there--for so long.
It was always sad to lose someone you know.
But the company's success needed to grow.
Then things started to tilt and to shift and to sour.
It's hard to look on and no…