Friends, Gangstas, countrymen, lend me your ears.
I have come to bury Virtue Signaling, not to praise it.
The blathering on about what really matters that men do lives after them;
Our good intentions are oft interrèd with our bones.
So let it be with Virtue Signaling. The noble Diddy
Hath told you that his self-same named “Diddy Parties” would be off the hook, and thus, you were invited.
If you were to go, it were a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Diddy been busted for them.
Here, under leave of Real G’s, and the rest…
(For Diddy is a dishonorable man;
So are they all, all dishonorable men)
Come I to speak in Vitrue Signaling’s funeral.
It was my friend, faithful and good to discuss at fashionable parties,
But Diddy says it was off the hook,
And Diddy is a dishonorable man.
He hath brought many captives home to Miami, the Hamptons, and LA,
Whose settlements did his coffers drain?
Did in this Diddy seem ambitious?
When that the poor have cried, in my Virtue Signaling, I hath wept;
Virtue should be ma…