Douglas Adams was hilarious. His writing is hilarious-er today than when it was written.
is written by who has been listening to book on tape Douglas Adams since he was a wee lad.One of the funniest things he ever wrote about was fire. Specifically, he had his characters—in the BBC radio drama version of the HHGTTG second book— transported back in time to an early version of the earth, and that planet was colonized by a bunch of people who previously been in marketing. I’m going to link to the book here, but what followers is my paraphrase for memory of one of the most memorable books of all time…
These mid-level sales and marketing executives are trying to decide on “what to do” to create the future of the prehistoric earth. And they got around to debating what to do about inventing fire…
“What about this fire thing? Very exciting.”
Marketing Executive:
“When you've been in marketing as long as I have, you learn that no product should introduced without doing thorough market r…