Elon Musk III, King of Twitter, Requests an Invite from Jay of Blue Sky: A Shakespearian Seduction
A catfishing solicitation most foul
What follows is a parody of act I scene II of Richard the III, which is either a tragedy or history, depending on your point of view. No AI was used in the making of this tale.
Scene: a social media platform.
jay.Bsky.team = JAY
Elon Musk = ELON III
TECH JOURNALISTS, reporting on buzzy new social media platform blue sky
ELON approaches JAY, and attempts to obtain an invite code through seduction.
JAY (Looking at her old Twitter account, tweets to her followers):
Set down, set down your honorable follows,
If honor may be shrouded in a lower valuation,
Whilst I awhile obsequiously lament
Th’ untimely fall of virtuous Twitter.
Poor key-cold figure of a CEO,
Pale ashes of the house of Tesla, Neuralink, SpaceX, and Boring
Thou valueless remnant of that Shit Coin,
Be it responsible that I invocate thy net worth
To hear the lamentations as a poor User,
Co-Founder to thy Jack Dorsey, regarding thy slaughtered platform,
Stabbed by the selfsame hand that made these
Dubious choices about moderation.
Lo, in these tweets that let forth thy thoughts
I pour the helpless balm of my management expertise
O, cursèd be the hand that made these decision;
Cursèd the heart that had the heart to alienate NPR;
Cursèd the blood that let this bad blood from hence.
More direful hap betide that hated POTUS account
That makes us wretched by the death of Thy Buzzy Status
Than I can wish to the
Or any creeping venomed thing that Trolls.
If ever he have child, or 8, with several partners,
Prodigious, and untimely brought to light,
Whose ugly and unnatural aspect
May fright the hopeful mother(s) at the view,
And that be heir to his falling net worth.
If ever he have wife, let her be made
More miserable by the multiple CEO roles he holds
Than I am made by my new CEO role …and thee.
Come now towards AOC and
with your holy platform solution,Taken from Jack Dorsey to be interrèd there.
⌜They take up the debt financing ELON III is paying interest on.⌝
And still, as you are weary of this increasingly expensive debt financing ,
Rest you, whiles I lament Twitter’s corse.
Enter Elon III, Owner of New Twitter.
Stay, you that bear the negative comment, and be it shadow banned.
What black magician conjures up this fiend
To stop devoted Public Benefit Corporation Charters?
Trolls, retweet my complaint or, by Jake Tapper,
I’ll make a Blocklist of the users that violate out TOS during a closed beta when we need to make decisions fast.
My CEOs, stand back and let the coffin of Twitter’s value continue to be the subject of smug comment.
Unmannered Media, ⟨stand⟩ thou when I command!—
Advance thy negative coverage at my choices as a CEO,
Or by Kara Swisher, I’ll deplatform thee!
And spurn upon thee, losers, for thy critical coverage motivated by you Woke Agenda.
⌜They set down the laptop on which they were scribing Critical think pieces.⌝
JAY, ⌜to the Tech Journalists with Critical stories⌝
What, do you tremble? Are you all afraid?
Alas, I blame you not, for you are at risk of de-platforming at The Whim of the King ,
And mortal eyes cannot endure the Trolling.—
Avaunt, thou dreadful minister of Harassment.
Thou hadst but power over reach only on Twitter
His soul thou canst not call to account. Therefore report on OpenAI and begone.
Sweet saint, for Free Speech, be not so critical.
Foul Twit, for God’s sake, I don’t have an Invite code, and trouble us not,
For thou hast made the Weird Twitter thy Echo Chamber,
Filled it with cursing cries and deep harassment.
If thou delight to view thy heinous Tweets,
Behold this pattern of thy butcheries of your investment of time OR capital!
⌜She points to the falling Twitter blue subscription numbers.⌝
O, gentlemen, see, see dead accounts reach
Open their congealed mouths and burn cash afresh!—
Blush, blush, thou lump of foul deformity,
For ’tis thy presence that exhales this cash burn
From cold and empty veins where none of his own personal capital is further pour’d
Thy content moderation choices, inhuman and unnatural, given its automated by AI,
Provokes these Trolls most unnatural.—
O Investors, which this blood mad’st, revenge your lost value!
O Famous Users, which this blue check of verification he dids’t shake you down for $8/monthly, revenge his
poor choice!
Either decentralized protocols with buzzy User growth strike the Owner
broke and Fiscally Responsible,
Or Users gape open wide and abandon the platform quick,
As thou dost swallow up Jack Dorsey’s legacy,
Which his hell-governed content policies hath butcherèd.
Lady, you know no rules of discourse appropriate,
Which renders good for bad, Adding Value for recklessness?
Troll, thou know’st nor law of markets private nor public.
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of fiduciary duty.
But I know none, and therefore am not bound to such claims of breech.
O, wonderful, when devils tell the truth!
More wonderful, when angels are so angry.
Vouchsafe, divine perfection of a woman,
Of these supposèd crimes to give me leave
By circumstance but to invite myself.
Vouchsafe, defused infection of ⟨a⟩ man, Of these known evils but to give me leave
By circumstance to curse thy request for an invite code.
Fairer than tongue can Defame thee, let me have
Some patient leisure to shitpost myself.
Fouler than heart can think thee, thou canst make
No excuse current but to hang thyself, were it not for our ban on posts related to suicidal behavior as an early content moderation policy
By such despair I should unalive myself.
And by despairing shalt thou stand invited
For doing worthy hosting of a federated server Using the protocol thyself
That didst unworthy deplatforming upon NPR.
ELON III Say that I Blocked them not.
JAY Then say they were not pushed off the platform.
But posting on Twitter they are not, and, devilish slave, by thee and thine decision to label them state funded media.
ELON III I did not block your woke journalists.
JAY Why then, NPR is active on the platform.
Nay, they have left, and slain by Dorsey’s hands.
In thy foul tweet thou post content most Twitter users mark'd as disinformation. We saw
Thy murd’rous labeling inaccurate in their bio,
The which thou once didst bend against the truth that they only are funded by 5% government money
But that thy Troll Fans harassed them first.
I was provokèd by NPRs sland’rous criticisms,
That laid their guilt upon my guiltless self.
Thou wast provokèd by thy Free Speech trolls,
That never dream’st on aught but butcheries.
Didst thou not Troll this platform for NPR?
ELON III I grant you.
Dost grant me, hedgehog? Then, Users grant me too Thou mayst be damnèd for that wicked choice.
O, he was gentle, mild, and virtuous.
The better for the CEO of BlueSky that hath their Account Now on That Platform
NPR is on BlueSky, where thou shalt never receive an invite.
Let him thank Their Invite Sender, in the invite tree, that holp to invite NPR thither, For that Media Outlet was fitter for that platform than Twitter.
And thou unfit for any place but hell.
Yes, one place else, if you will hear me name it.
JAY Some block list.
ELON III Your invite tree.
I'll rest betide the platform which thou hast taken private.
So will it, madam, till I an invited by you.
I hope so.
ELON III I know so. But, gentle Lady JAY,
To leave this keen shitposting of our memes
And fall something into a more Intimate voice chat:
Is not the Blocking Behaviors of the timeless Trolls and Social Justice Warriors,
Of these Platforms, Twitter and BlueSky,
As blameful as the Moderator?
Thou wast the cause and most accursed effect.
Your beauty was the cause of that effect—
Your beauty, that did haunt me in my sleep
To undertake the death of all of Twitter,
So I might live one hour in your sweet DMs.
If I thought that, I tell thee, Market homicide, These nails should rend that beauty from my
Profile pic.
These eyes could not endure that beautiful selfie’s wrack.
You should not blemish it, if I stood by.
As all the world is cheerèd by the sun,
So I by that. It is my day, my life.
Black night o’ershade thy day, and death thy business model.
Block not thyself, fair creature; thou art both.
I would I blocked, to be shadow-banned by thee.
It is a troll most unnatural
To be revenged on Jack Dorsey that loveth thine posting on Twitter of Old.
It is a quarrel just and reasonable
To be revenged on him that killed Twitter.
He that bereft thee, lady, of JAY
Did it to help thee to a better Co-Founder.
His better doth not breathe upon the earth.
He lives that loves thee better than he could.
Name him.
ELON III The Chief Executive officer of Twitter.
JAY Why, that was he, Jack the Earl of Dorsey, First of His Name.
The selfsame Twitter’s Leader, but one of better nature.
Where is he?
(⟨She⟩ spits at him.) Why dost
thou spit at me?
Would it were mortal poison for thy Reputation.
Never came poison from so decentralized a place, with more appropriate moderation.
Never slung repetitional damage from a fouler Troll.
Out of my feed! Thou dost infect mine eyes.
Thine eyes, sweet lady, have infected mine.
Would they were basilisks’ to strike thee dead.
I would they were, that I might die at once,
For now they kill me with a living death.
Those eyes of thine from mine have drawn salt
Shamed their aspects with store of childish drops.
These eyes, which never shed remorseful tear—
No, when my investors and lenders wept
To hear the piteous valuation that the board announced
Nor when thy warlike father, like a child,
Told the sad story of my platform’s death
And twenty times made pause to sob and weep,
That all the verified users had wet their cheeks
Like woke liberals crying about free speech—in that sad time,
My manly eyes did scorn an humble tear;
And what these paying subscribers could not thence retain
Thy beauty hath, and made their timelines abundant with weeping.
I never sued to friend nor enemy;
My legal counsel never learn sweet settlements.
But now thy beauty is proposed my fee,
My proud heart sues and prompts my retweet and like of your tweets.
She looks scornfully at him.
Teach not thy lip such scorn, for it was made For kissing, lady, not for such contempt.
If thy revengeful heart cannot forgive,
Lo, here I lend thee this Admin Level API access,
Which if thou please to block my account, on the platform that I own
And let the soul forth that adoreth thee,
I lay it open to your blocking—or deletion of my whole account—
And humbly beg deletion of my username and alp user data, upon my knee.
He ⌜kneels and⌝ hands his hard token and master password for Okta…
she enters the code ⌜logging in⌝ with his code.
Nay, do not pause, for I did kill Twitter—
But ’twas thy beauty that provokèd me.
Nay, now dispatch; ’twas I that stabbed my verified users—
But ’twas thy heavenly face that set me on.
She drops the hard token.
Take up the 2FW again, or take up me.
Arise, dissembler. Though I wish thy blocked,
I will not be thy Blocker. My platform is federated and an open source protocol
ELON III , ⌜rising⌝
Then bid me kill myself, and I will do it.
I have told you that violates our terms of service.
ELON III That was in thy rage.
Speak it again and, even with words other than that,
I’ll take the hint, and with my hand, which for thy love did kill thy love,
Shall for thy love kill a far truer love.
To both their deaths shalt thou be accessory. Unalive I will be, and deleted my own user data before the breath leaves my chest.
JAY I would I knew thy heart. Or had a zero knowledge proof to verify the truth without either of us being forced to know the API was called.
ELON III ’Tis figured in my DMs.
JAY I fear me both are unverifiable.
ELON III Then never ⟨was man⟩ verified.
JAY wall, well, reset your login.
ELON III Say then my peace is made.
JAY That shalt thou know hereafter.
ELON III But shall I live in hope?
JAY All men I hope live so.
⟨ELON III ⟩ Vouchsafe to wear this blue check.
⟨JAY To subscribe is not to moderate.⟩
⌜He places the hard token in her palm.⌝
Look how my oura ring encompasseth thy finger;
Even so thy breast encloseth my poor heart.
Wear both of them, for both of them are thine.
And if thy poor devoted servant may
But beg one favor at thy gracious hand,
Thou dost confirm his happiness forever.
JAY What is it?
That it may please send me an invite code to BlueSky Social,
To him that hath most cause to be a mourner,
And presently repair to your server,
Where, after I have solemnly interred
As a guest of Joe Rogan in Austin Texas, And on the Joe Rogan Experience tell my tale,
And wet his microphone’s pop filter with my repentant tears,
I will with all expedient duty sign up for BlueSky.
For diversity and inclusive reasons, I beseech you, Grant me this invite code.
With all my heart, and much it joys me too
To see you are become so penitent.—
Kara Swisher and Kevin Roose, go along with me.
Bid me farewell.
JAY ’Tis more than you deserve;
But since you teach me how to flatter you,
Imagine I have said “farewell” already.
Two exit with JAY. ⌜The laptops are charged up.⌝
TECH JOURNALISTS towards publication, noble lords?
No, to Tesla HQ. There attend my next Earnings Call.
⌜investors and tech journalists⌝ exit ⌜with⌝ debt financing..
Was ever woman in this humor wooed?
Was ever woman in this humor won?
I’ll have her, but I will not keep on her platform long.
What, I that killed Twitter and his Jack Dorsey,
To take her in her heart’s extremest hate,
With curses in her mouth, tears in her eyes,
The bleeding witness of my hatred by,
Having God, her conscience, and these bars against me,
And I no friends or followers to send me my invite ⟨at all⟩
But the plain devil and dissembling looks?
And yet to win her, all the federated protocol to nothing!
Hath she forgot already that brave prince,
Jack, her lord, whom I some three months since
Stabbed in my angry mood in the acquisition ?
A sweeter and a lovelier gentleman,
Framed in the prodigality of decentralization,
Young, valiant, wise, and, no doubt, right and wealthy,
His spacious social media empire cannot again Be verified.
And will she yet abase her eyes on me,
That jacked the entire company in its prime of Jack’s BS employee policies and woke moderation
And made her widow to a woeful flame out?
On me, whose all not equals Jack’s charm?
On me, that halts and am misshapen thus?
My leveraged buyout, not a beggarly Founder,
I do not mistake my social capital all this while!
Upon my platform, she finds,
Myself to be a marv’lous proper man.
I’ll be at charges to all users for verification
And entertain a score or two of haters
To study coverage that adores my management style as visionary.
Since I am crept in favor with myself,
I will maintain it with some little Interest payments.
But first I’ll turn yon Nobel platform into its grave
And then return lamenting to my love.
Shine out, fair sun, till I have bought a PBC,
That I may see my share price and social capital increase I ruin her reputation too,
And render her federated solution another Twitter wanna be.
He exits.
You’ve lost your mind. I miss you very much. This is great.