Bad Touch! Saving MDMA: Part V
What will medical boards think about therapeutic touch baked into a FDA-labeled therapy?
The Frontier Psychiatrists sometimes tackles difficult issues. The most rigorously addressed problem is how can I possibly write something almost every day?! Writing something else is usually the answer. Every once in a while, I have a larger story to tell, and it takes a couple of parts, and this story has been a while in the making. I've been thinking about psychedelic medicine for a long time.
I’ve been writing about the problems with MDMA-AT for several days in a row. I’ll begin today with a quote from the MDMA-AT manual:
The psychic material that has revealed itself during the first MDMA-assisted session and the therapeutic work occurring in the follow-up non-drug sessions may help the participant trust the process more deeply this next time. Given a stronger sense of trust and familiarity, the participant is likely to move even further beyond her/his defenses.
Today, we will address the role of boundary violations and the, frankly, chilling implicati…