The Frontier Psychiatrists is a daily health themed newsletter. Today, and homage to the “House Of God” by Samuel Shem.
The Fat Man's laws…
GOMERS don't die.
Starting with Emdeon (2014), with its billing and revenue cycle management services, Change indirectly supports the ongoing care and administrative management of chronic patients, including, but not limited to, GOMERS.
GOMERS go to ground.
With the acquisition of Altegra Health (2015): By McKesson before the formation of Change Healthcare, Altegra Health’s focus on population health management and risk adjustment could indirectly support efforts to identify patients at higher risk of falls and fractures, enabling targeted interventions for GOMERS who went to ground, reducing the risk of sentinel events for our partners.
At a cardiac arrest, the first procedure is to take your own pulse.
Change Healthcare Cardiology Hemodyanmics™ is the integrated hemodynamic monitoring system for cardiology departments that need to aggregate hemodynami…