I need to level with my readers about something. Drug names? They can be hard to pronounce. This is one of the many fine reasons that pharmaceutical companies come up with snappy brand names. This drug, the subjective today's column, has one of the snappiest brand names of all time. Abilify. I just want to Abilify everything. I want to be Abilified. It's truly a shiny example of modern pharmaceutical branding. One of the things that makes it such a great name is that the actual name of the drug is difficult to pronounce from scratch. So everybody refers to Abilify as Abilify, and not by its generic name. Game? Won.
This is one of the many medications in the pantheon of psychiatric treatments that I have had the pleasure of taking in the past. I gained about 60 pounds on this medicine! That problem is not unique to me, and it features prominently in the story of Abilify. It was a blockbuster drug for Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, at its peak, bringing in around $6.9 billion in annual sales.