Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Announces Automated Grievance Process!
A systematic approach to making you all Sisyphus.
What follows is satire. This is not communication from Anthem, Blue Cross, legal counsel, subsidiaries, or subsidiary legal counsel. It's not intended to represent the views of Blue Cross Blue Shield, Anthem, Elevance, Carelon, the color blue, the emotional state often described as Blue, crosses, shields, actual musical anthems, or any associated entities, trademarks, legal counsel, or boards of directors. Thank you for reading.
Here at Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, we recognize you're going through an Endless toil. But, unfortunately, it is our business model. We based that model on the Greek story of Sisyphus! Thusly, if you feel like you're getting nowhere—you are correct. And much like the endless rolling of a boulder uphill and subsequent failure of Boulder positioning at the top of the mountain, the repetitive nature of obtaining medical care via any of the mechanisms provided by Anthem is…
Well, you know.