AMAZING NEWS! I Figured Out How to Use Calendly! Join Me For Weekly Office Hours!
An open invitation.
Dear colleagues. As I imagine might be obvious, I am pretty limited. When I say this, what I mean is that I'm doofy. Specifically, I'm kind of doofy when it comes to technology. I write about technology, and one might imagine… “Owen would be in some way… capable?”
I promise you. I am not. And that's why, today, I'm really excited, in the same way, that Apple is really excited to announce that, like, a decade after everyone else has figured out how to show you really basic things like two-timers, they finally integrated two timers into their product, that I…
I have figured out how to use Calendly.
I also have to disclose something crucial: I did not, personally figure out how to use Calendly. The human who assists me in things helped me figure this out.
That's right, I have a human who helps me get through things like technology because I'm really bad at it. And she figured it out. Not me.
But, for the rest of the world, if you have questions about Professional Issues… a.k.a. this is not …